Thursday, November 17, 2011

Acts 1:6

We see throughout the whole Scripture  even through the minor Prophets , the Lord speak of His wrath and restoration of His chosen people. (Israel). Throughout the course of Scripture we see how the Israelites turned away from the Lord several times. But we know that the Lord had a special place in His heart for His people. He continued to lavish them with mercy and grace, and it grieved Him to pour out His wrath upon them.

He does that with us as well. He loves us so incredibly much that He is willing to meet us and show compassion, love and grace. It is a gift from God. We find all that we need in Him. and should desire nothing more.

One of my favorite verses is "I will heal the wayward and love them freely" The Lord promises restoration. He promises green pastures. Then He promises to love us freely. How amazing is that?

We are all broken and need His restoration. and only He can give it. So let us pour out our hearts to Him. Selah. He makes all things new!

Application: While God restores, we need to be diligent in the healing process. We need to be 1) fully submitted to Him, knowing that He is Lord and that He will be faithful to complete His work. 2) We need to continue to seek Him diligently, and pray to be filled with the Spirit which searches all things. 3) we need to memorize His word. The Bible says to we need to hide His word in our hearts.

While this is a great practical way to allow for Him to heal, I struggle, with the submission and trust part. Knowing that He will complete the good work. Knowing that He is God and that He will not let go!

Father,  please help your daughter to heal from all infirmities and please help me to submit to You  and Your word. Please help me to trust and know that You are going to heal me in a way that is most pleasing to You and in Your perfect timing. I love you Lord! Help me to live that out!

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