Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Luke 17:8

"But will he rather not say to him, prepare something for my supper and gird yourself and serve me till i have eaten and drunk and afterward you will eat and drink." Luke 17:8

We have learned this past week that when Jesus washed his disciples feet, He took of His garments, girded Himself. He knelt down and washed their feet. He gave us an amazing example of what Calvary love is and how we should treat our neighbor.

When I got saved, I was so joyful and so thankful to be alive that I would have taken a knee everyday to my friends and family who didn't have the love of Christ. I experienced a love so great that I couldn't wait to share it with others. The basin was always ready.

However, throughout the years, I have grown very dull in my service and even complacent in my walk, that I have forgotten how to wash my neighbors feet. I forgot how to gird myself and how to prepare a meal for others, before serving myself.

I have even developed the American mentality "its all about me and my needs" and have not even felt bad at times for serving myself first. I feel like the woman (adulteress) in Proverbs who wipes her mouth and says" I have done nothing wrong". Horrible.

In recognizing this, I need to first repent and ask My Savior for mercy and forgiveness. Then I need to start girding, and humbling myself to help serve others. I am looking forward to serving the elderly during the Thanksgiving holiday, sharing the love of Christ by singing Hymns and songs of praise!  ( no matter how grumpy they get) :)

And I will continue to hold onto the hope to the Ultimate Thanksgiving day when we eat and drink with Our Master.


Luke 17:7

This passage is a very special one. The disciples are inquisitive about learning how to increase their faith in the Lord. "Increase our Faith", they said.

This passage spoke to my heart. Last night the girls were talking about mustard seeds. Paige asked Courtney how small they were and when we saw the picture- I thought wow! The Lord can do something amazing with something that small!

This verse, Jesus asks then, would you ask your servant to come, sit at once and eat after you just put in a hard days work? No!

We are to be obedient, serving the Lord fully with all of our hearts. We can increase our faith through serving others. Jesus doesn't say to increase your faith in Me you must....... . Instead He begins to tell a story and give an example  that is is able to challenge His disciples hearts. A story that is able to challenge our hearts as well.

Ministry doesn't end. As long as there is breath in these lungs, I know that I am called to serve Him. This means when I'm feeble and weak. When my legs shake and my mind and heart cant think or feel anymore- that is when I can rely on His strength the most and continue to press on toward the goal. Not once should I ask Him- Lord , can I sit down and have a break from serving You. He promises us an eternity with Him and until that day- we need to be busy about doing our Heavenly Fathers work.

I will accept this task with grateful heart because when I look at the cross, I am reminded of what He has done.

As I continue to ask the Lord to increase my faith in Him, I need to take heed the words that He has graciously spoken in His word. I desire to serve the Lord, wake up every morning, asking my Master what I can do for Him. It is in His service is where faith can grow.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Galatians 6:8 Sowing and Reaping :) October 14,2011

 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:8

What shall I gain if I give into the lusts of my flesh? Well, it would ignorant to say nothing. I shall gain my flesh. As believers we are called to live above reproach and live in and by the Spirit. It is here, where we can find true freedom and communion with Him. 2 Corinth  3:17 says Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.

I have applied this passage to my thought life. Something I have struggled with for many years. If i sow seeds of doubt, I surely get doubt. If i sow seeds of anger and resentment, I grow bitterness in my soul. But if I sow seeds of love and righteousness, I truly believe, I can find a freedom in Christ.

After many months of struggling with my faith, I know see that I have been angry with the Lord for not meeting my expectations with certain things. I started to get so angry that I started to doubt Him and forget all His faithfulness. Now, after letting these lies take root in my mind, I now have to go back and reverse those lies. I have to retrain my mind that God is real, He is there and that He loves me more than I could ever know.

I choose not to believe these lies any more. I desire to more sow to Him and His Spirit. I know this will be hard. I know it will be painful,but if I continue to sow to His Spirit little by little , the Lord will be gracious.